Mental Health Services

The NEWMIND Principle

Research has shown that successful psychotherapy results from new ways of thinking and behaving. Anxiety, depression, and other emotional problems often arise out of deeply engrained mental and behavioral habits. We help you apply powerful proven techniques to think about, respond to, and cope with past and present events in new ways. Amazingly, science has shown that through this process, new connections are formed in your brain, leading to lasting symptom relief. In the end you will have literally developed a new mind! This is the powerful principle behind our approach to therapy: the NEWMIND Principle.

Using this principle, we offer tailored evidence-based treatments for adults, couples, children, and families who may be dealing with:

  • Trauma
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Marital conflict
  • Anger and behavioral issues
  • School problems
  • Immigration-related mental health service needs

After a thorough diagnostic assessment, we offer tailored evidence-based treatments for:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Prolonged Exposure Therapy
  • Trauma Focused Therapy
  • Game-based CBT
  • Parent Management Training
  • Child-Parent Psychotherapy

DISCLAIMER: The information posted on this website is not meant to replace a face-to-face visit with a specialist. For non-life-threatening symptoms, please call and make an appointment. For life threatening symptoms, please go to the nearest emergency room or call 911 for an ambulance.